Claire Horwood
When we were introduced to Processing we were shown the syntax of language. I found it was similar to Java Script so was fairly comfortable with some of the language.

We were then shown how to set up a canvas in Processing. This involved using "void setup()" and "void draw()". These are essential in creating anything in Processing.
The first thing we were shown in Processing was how to create a simple shape, an eclipse, and make its position move with the mouse as well as change the colour using the mouse position. We were shown how to use Variables to adjust these.

Claire Horwood
We were then shown how to do For Loops and For While Loops.

Here we made squares be drawn to fill the canvas based on the position of the mouse.
We then played around with Processing using the reference page. This helped us learn more and work out what we wanted to do for our projects.

For my project I wanted to create an interactive sketch.

I created an eclipse that moves with the mouse placement on the canvas.

I made the background be black and made the path of the eclipse visible.

I created a variable with the value float, this meant the value of the variable can have decimals. I made the value of the variable "random(255)". This means a random number between 0-255.

I then created an if statement so that when the right button is pressed, the fill colour of the eclipse will be black.This acts as an eraser.

Else the variable will produce a random number of the colour of the eclipse. This means when the left button of the mouse is clicked, the eclipse will change to a random number within the RGB 0-255.
Below is the above sketch. Try it out!
